How Much Experience Do Criminal Lawyers in Los Angeles County Have?

Our trial attorneys at Hoffman & Associates have more than 30 years of experience in courts throughout California. Learn more about LA County criminal lawyers' experience.

How Much Experience Do Criminal Lawyers in Los Angeles County Have?

Our trial attorneys at Hoffman & Associates have more than 30 years of experience in courts throughout California. Our resources include a full-time research unit with professional investigators, computer networks at each desk, with access to the latest legal research tools and the Internet, and a highly qualified administrative and support staff. When your freedom, good track record, and reputation are at stake, the level of experience your attorney has is particularly important. The DUI and criminal defense attorneys at Hoffman & Associates have more than 30 years of experience in courts throughout California.

Our track record of success demonstrates how valuable this experience is to our customers. Today, the Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office employs 1,118 employees in a variety of professional, administrative, and legal support capacities. There are more than 30 different courts in Los Angeles and hundreds of courts in California, each of which follow the same laws, but they can differ greatly in how they prosecute the wide range of crimes. Cases are assigned to attorneys based on their experience and knowledge in specialized areas of law.

However, it's important to recognize that a conviction or even the filing of criminal charges are not certainties, especially with the proactive pre-file intervention of a qualified criminal attorney familiar with Los Angeles County prosecutors. As a result, the Public Defender not only provides excellent representation in trial courts, but he is also at the forefront of cutting-edge appellate litigation in criminal law and is one of the leading authorities on issues such as the presentation of evidence by the prosecution, conflicts of interest, and speedy trial rights. When it comes to criminal defense cases in Los Angeles County, it is essential to have an experienced attorney who knows how to navigate the complexities of the local court system. As an expert SEO, I can tell you that having an experienced lawyer on your side can make all the difference when it comes to getting a favorable outcome for your case.

Reviewing job openings and experience requirements for the position of criminal lawyer can help you confirm that this is the job you are looking for. Some criminal defense attorneys work privately, while others work in the various jurisdictions with criminal courts to appoint representatives of indigent individuals; the latter are often called public defenders. The Los Angeles County criminal attorneys at Sitkoff & Hanrahan, located in western Los Angeles, California, are dedicated exclusively to criminal defense and defense for driving under the influence of alcohol. We have the knowledge to skillfully and aggressively represent you in Los Angeles, San Diego, and the courts of California.

As former chief deputy prosecutors for Los Angeles County, Eugene Hanrahan and Stephen Sitkoff have the legal experience and reputation in each of the Los Angeles County criminal courts to ensure that you receive the best resolution of your case. The Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office offers a variety of opportunities for both established professionals and law students seeking to enter the fast-paced and rewarding field of criminal defense practice.

Saundra Meynard
Saundra Meynard

Proud twitter expert. Award-winning internet trailblazer. . Hipster-friendly music ninja. Award-winning travel advocate. Lifelong foodaholic.

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