Finding Legal Aid and Assistance for Criminal Lawyer in Los Angeles County

Are you looking for legal aid & assistance to find a criminal lawyer in Los Angeles County? Learn about the organizations that provide free or low-cost legal services.

Finding Legal Aid and Assistance for Criminal Lawyer in Los Angeles County

Are you in search of legal aid and assistance to find a criminal lawyer in Los Angeles County? If so, you are in luck! There are several organizations that provide free or low-cost legal services to those who need it. The Los Angeles Free Legal Aid Foundation (LAFLA), the National Legal Services of Los Angeles (NLSLA), and the State Bar Association are just a few of the organizations that can help you get the legal assistance you need. The Los Angeles Free Legal Aid Foundation (LAFLA) is a non-profit law firm that provides access to justice for thousands of poor and low-income people in the greater Los Angeles area. They offer workshops, individual help, and easy-to-use computer programs to help people get the information and legal assistance they need. LAFLA also recruits employees, interns, and volunteers with diverse backgrounds and levels of experience to promote equal access to justice. The National Legal Services of Los Angeles (NLSLA) is another organization that provides free legal aid to more than 160,000 individuals and families throughout Los Angeles County each year.

They focus on issues such as custody and family law, disability rights, benefits for veterans, affordable housing, unfair displacement, the rights of homeless people, housing discrimination, student loan default and repayment, for-profit college fraud, restraining orders, custody orders, dissolution, visitation, and support. NLSLA also operates self-help legal access centers in courthouses throughout Los Angeles County. The State Bar Association funds legal aid organizations throughout California that provide legal services to Californians who have low and moderate incomes. These organizations focus on issues such as unpaid wages, unemployment benefits, unjustified dismissals, discriminatory labor practices, asylum, legal aid, case management, etc. The State Bar Association also funds the Los Angeles Legal Aid Foundation which follows federal poverty guidelines and only helps people with incomes below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. Through a combination of individual representation, high-impact litigation, and public policy promotion, these organizations combat the immediate and lasting effects of poverty and expand access to health, opportunity, and justice in the diverse neighborhoods of Los Angeles.

If you are looking for legal aid or assistance to find a criminal lawyer in Los Angeles County, these organizations can provide you with the resources you need.

Saundra Meynard
Saundra Meynard

Proud twitter expert. Award-winning internet trailblazer. . Hipster-friendly music ninja. Award-winning travel advocate. Lifelong foodaholic.

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