Finding Qualified and Experienced Criminal Lawyers in Los Angeles County

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced criminal lawyer in Los Angeles County? Learn more about lawyer referral services certified by the State Bar Association as well as other services available.

Finding Qualified and Experienced Criminal Lawyers in Los Angeles County

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced criminal lawyer in Los Angeles County? If so, you're in luck. There are a number of organizations that provide referrals to attorneys in the area. The SFVBA Lawyer Referral Service is one of the most popular options, as it provides attorney referrals for members of the public in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. This directory is organized by region and county, so you can easily find the Certified Lawyer Referral Services closest to you.

Additionally, an alphabetical list of all attorney referral services certified by the State Bar Association is available online. The Lawyer Referral Service also offers a free speaker office to businesses, civic organizations, service clubs, professional organizations, and schools. Volunteer attorneys make presentations on areas of law, the judicial system, and the courts. To request a speaker, simply complete the speaker request form on their website. The Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS) is another great option for those seeking legal assistance. This service connects people with legal problems to one of more than 200 qualified private attorneys who practice in more than 50 areas of law.

Referral counselors are available who can schedule appointments with lawyers, provide general information about the legal process, and direct people to appropriate legal resources. The MNLRIS is sponsored by the Hennepin and Ramsey County Bar Associations. The Los Angeles Legal Aid Foundation operates self-help centers in the courts of Inglewood, Long Beach, Santa Monica and Torrance. They provide information about Los Angeles County health and social services through their 211 or 800-339-6993 line. If you have hearing problems, you can call 711 and ask to be contacted by 211. The Los Angeles Legal Aid Foundation seeks to achieve equal justice for people living in poverty in the greater Los Angeles area. The State Bar Association is not a lawyer referral service and cannot direct you to an attorney or provide you with legal advice.

However, there are other services available such as the LACBA Lawyer Referral Information Service (866-762-7852 or 213-243-1525), Santa Monica Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (310-581-5163), South Bay Bar Association Attorney Referral Service (310-325-4200), Los Angeles County Neighborhood Legal Services (800-433-6251), Adult Protective Services (213-351-5401), Elder Abuse Hotline (to report elder abuse in Los Angeles County) (877-477-3646), and First Judicial District Public Defender (Red Wing Office) (65 480-1022 454 West 6th Street, Red Wing, MN 55066).If you have a criminal record for a crime that was prosecuted in state court, prosecutors in the Office of the Attorney General can help you determine if you qualify for criminal record removal. Additionally, legal services with court appointment are available for low-income individuals involved in criminal and juvenile delinquency cases.

Saundra Meynard
Saundra Meynard

Proud twitter expert. Award-winning internet trailblazer. . Hipster-friendly music ninja. Award-winning travel advocate. Lifelong foodaholic.

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